Proclaiming The Sovereignty of God & His Electing Grace

Check Us Out
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that you will take a few minutes to explore the website and see what our church is all about. On this site you can learn more about the Church, our Facilities, about the Church Ministries, our Mission Program and the Missionaries sponsored by the LBC, and Our Vision.
For those interested in a Christian education, please follow the link to the Landmark Baptist Theological Seminary. (The Bible Seminary Fall Classes started in September, but students may still enroll for External Studies Classes at any time.)

Seeking To Fill 3 Positions –
Landmark Baptist Church, Landmark Baptist Theological Seminary, and Landmark Mission Projects are seeking to fill the positions of Associate Pastor, Dean of Administration, and Director of L.A.M.P.
The Associate position is a full-time paid position. The Associate could also fill the Dean of Administration position as well. The Director of L.A.M.P position requires the person to raise monthly missionary support. Furthermore, we are looking for those who are in agreement with our doctrinal stance and philosophy. Anyone interested in any of these positions my call me at 817-838-7184, send an email to, or apply online through the jobs section on our Face book page
You Are Invited
If you are in the Fort Worth area, you are invite to come and attend our church services and get to know the LBC family. We believe you will find Landmark Baptist Church to be made up of friendly, caring, and loving people who have been changed and enriched by the wonderful grace of God. If you wish to attend Service via Live Streaming click on the ‘Watch Live’ link above. Are you can watch one of over a 100 Archived Sermons at anytime (click HERE to go to the streaming site).Landmark Baptist Church is an independent Sovereign Grace Baptist Church located on a beautiful five-acre campus near downtown Fort Worth in southern Haltom City. Consequently, we are just a few minute drive from anywhere in the Metroplex area.
For Directions to our church and a map to assist… click here
“A Daily Dose Of Spurgeon” . . . . . . . . . . .
Charles H. Spurgeon was England’s best-known preacher for greater part of the second half of the 19th century. His classic Morning and Evening Devotionals continues to be a popular Daily Devotional even today.
To go to Spurgeon’s Daily Mediations, which includes Faith’s Checkbook as well as the Morning & Evening Devotionals, Click here – “A Daily Dose Of Spurgeon“