Landmark Baptist Theology Seminary has a large outreach even though we have a small campus body. We have campus classes from 6-9 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
L.B.T.S. has 176 Seminary Extensions in 41 countries around the world, and also in several states here in the U.S.A.
God has blessed the teaching of His word and we stay busy sending complete Bible Seminaries out on DVDs to missionaries and national pastors around the world who need help training their people. The courses are sent out through L.A.M.P. (Landmark Mission Projects) at no cost to the missionary or national pastor. God provides the finances for this through his local churches and the support they give for this cause. Many pastors and layman here in the U.S. also study through out extension DVD courses to further their own education.
The unique thing about our school is that none of our professors receive a salary which allows us to keep the cost of studying to stay at an affordable price. For further information, you may contact us at 817.222.9852, 817.838.7184 or 1.800.536.7720.
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